Monday 2 January 2017

How I start to loss weight | Plan

Hello everyone !  (*´∀`)~♥
This is my first time post myself photo , feel some awkward and embarrassment.
Here I am again. Will write about how I start to work out. I have searched some information , for myself and you guys. Maybe some people will be the same like me, looking for a way out of mist.

I still don't know how much I need to eat. Slowly pondering and get the results and follow this method. So next week I will be back to college and have all this work start.

Yeah , sometimes need to complete alone. Perhaps very lonely , the only way to grow.
In reality , I can't find people to get fit with me , but I have facebook friends and intimate friends to give me the greatest support. I told myself , I am not alone. They are by my side. I believe that there is a big community to join too , like Kayla Itsines , Yi Xiu , Alice.

Tell yourself, we are one ! AND LOVE YOURSELF ! 。:.゚ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゚.:

To transform your body , to get fit , to be healthy and to feel great you gotta exercise.

For the obese person like me , I need to cut down my heavy weight first. My knee can't support me to have activities like jogging , running and jumping.

❥ Question One

How I start to work out or loss weight ?

Actually I write this because I need to remind myself , I have my original intention that need me to fulfill and complete it.

How to lose weight ? For the picture above , aerobic exercise occupies the largest percentage. Eliminate fat effect is good and also the fastest way , like doing cardio or aerobic dances , ride an indoor bike , walk faster and swimming.

Reminder : Every action should be done correctly to avoid any injury.

❥ Question Two.

What is your original intention or target you want to achieve ?
  • Let my weight and BMI back to the original normal position ,
  • Cosplay my favorite girl character JULIA in wedding version from Culture Japan , 
  • Healthy and confident ,
  • Cosplay my favourite girl character NQRSE in luxury version from Niconico Douga.
So what are your target ? Get a pen and start to write it down. 

Remember : When you are  lazy and out of motivation , TELL YOURSELF ! YOU HAVE A TARGET TO ACHIEVE.

❥ Question Three

Record yourself now by measuring the weight , waist , arms , thighs , body fat and chest,.
Why we need to record. Give yourself a record of growth , record each process and moment. Convenient for future inspection.

See whether your waist, arms, thighs become smaller and can wear smaller size of cloth or wearing clothes more free space than before.

Then you feel happy because you get the result. After you will have more confidence to do workout.

Remember : Weight is just a number , your waist , arms , thighs and body fat become smaller are the good signs to refer.

❥ Question Four

Do you feel happy in fitness progress ? 

Initially , you will feel unhappy because you may blame yourself why you are so fat , why the other people eat a lot of food still looks thin and why the more I eat the bigger my body size become.

Blaming is negative thought ! You must remember me , not only you , me too.
I also blame myself why I am so fat , why I cannot controll ?

And now is time for you to Forget everything in the pass , and TELL yourself , I am pretty , I am beautiful , I love every part of my body because I am the only one

You will never be happy if you are constantly looking at the negatives. - Kayla Itsines.

Remember : Do not force yourself to drop weight , put an appropriate force on it and you will feel happier. Happy thoughts attract happy thoughts !

❥ Question Five

How to eat balance diet and be healthy ?

Many people will confuse how to eat over the basal metabolism but not over the daily intake.
Diet part occupies 70%, while exercise only occupies 30%. What you eat are very important !

So the first step is you must know your basal metabolism. (基础代谢率)

If female - BMR = ( 9.6 x KG ) + ( 1.8 x Height ) - ( 4.7 x AGE ) + 655

If male - BMR = ( 13.7 x KG ) + ( 5.0 x Height ) - ( 6.8 x AGE ) + 66

After I calculate : ( 9.6 x 107 kg ) + ( 1.8 x 170 cm ) - ( 4.7 x 20 ) + 655 = 1894.2 kcal

For myself , my basal metabolic rate is: 1894.2 kcal. So everyday I need to intake over this kcal to make my body feel energetic and productive !

This is how we calculate our basal metabolism. Or if you are lazy , you can visit the website here to help you calculate it !

How much intake you need  to stop ?

( WEIGHT (KG) x 24 )

I must not over intake and surpass  2568. But if you think the gap is too big , then you narrow the gap by decreasing 200 kcal. ( depends on what type of people )

1894.2 kcal. < Everyday I need to eat < 2568 kcal 

Initially, record every diet and exercise habits. Adjust nutritious food until everything is balanced. Your energy comes from food and exercise. You can't omit it.

Remember : YOU MUST EAT ORIGINAL FOOD. Avoid oily food , fried food and high calorie food. 

I set a target when I loss 5 kg and thick at the column to say that I have achieve the target. 

❥ Question Six

How to stay motivated ?

As Kayla say : It is simple , because I have the energy , structure and support to do so.

I want to move.
I want to workout.
I want to eat healthy.
I want to live.
I want to be strong.

Add my WANTS :

I want to cosplay.
I want to wear beautiful dresses and clothes.
I want to be confident.
I want to be happy.

What are your wants ? Write it down and repeat in your mind if you feel lazy and stress.

❥ Question Seven

How to workout ?

Initially  if you want weight loss in good efficiency , the best combination is one day cardio workout , the next day HIIT ( Tabata ). Anaerobic exercise (HIIT) can help increase muscle.

If you only do cardio or aerobic exercise , it won't help you gain the muscle. If you combine with anaerobic exercise like HIIT , it will help to prevent skin relaxation.

When you work out , you must follow the step at below. (☝ ՞ਊ ՞)☝

  1. Do the warming-up and stretching , do it around 5 to 10 minutes. ( Prevent cramps and warm the body at the same time )
  2. Do anaerobic exercise first. ( Every action should be done correctly )
  3. Do cardio or aerobic exercise. ( 20 to 30 minutes ) 
  4. After workout and exercise , stretching. ( Prevent cramps and let the legs pine. )
  5. Drink enough water and eat enough nutrition for body.

❥ Question Eight

After exercise , what nutrition you need to eat ?

For sure , intake protein and fiber. Protein helps to rebuild the muscle while fiber provides vitamin to body.  But it depends on time. But the main intake still consider protein and fiber.
If you still have activities to do , add some carbohydrate.  ⸜(* ॑꒳ ॑* )⸝

Here are some reference. From left to right : Breakfast , Lunch , Dinner.

Reminder : At night , please avoid eating fruits because fruits contains high sugar.

These are some examples, for your reference.

* click to enlarge it.

*** Everyone is not the same, need to ponder slowly, their own eating habits and exercise.

This is how I start to loss weight. If you have any question to ask , you are welcomed to drop your comment at below. I will answer it one by one. (*ˇωˇ*人)

Tell yourself : Fuel and ' charge ' your body with amazing food and awesome workouts. 

❥ BRACE YOURSELF. ♡(*´∀`*)人(*´∀`*)♡

With Love ,

Judith Khoo

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