Thursday 4 January 2018

Starter & Goal - Successfully Lose Weight in 2018 & Healthy Lifestyle ( Full Details )

As promised , today I would like to write a blog about my own story , which is my upcoming resolution and a must succeed in 2018. Despite that I have successfully lost weight from 121 KG to 95 KG , it brings me back to 108 KG. Yes this is my current weight in 12/12/2017.

Actually I have a small dream about myself , want to cosplay my favourite character , want to wear beautiful costume with friends and family, be confident in front of people and live a healthy lifestyle. Yes , these are all the matters that I am craving for in 2018.

The whole journey might come from food craving , bad company from negative friends , surround with unmotivated and unsupported friends and irresolute and hesitant of willpower.
And this drag me into an spiritless environment. I become vacillate between to continue or choose to be their friends. And the answer is obvious , I choose them. When come to 2017 , I have grown up. I start to envisage about my future , what I want for my future ? What I want to be in future ?

Ponder long and deeply , this kind of outcome is not what I exactly think of myself. I imagine the best version of myself , should be able to speak well of Japanese and English , create my own costume , doing makeup , wear beautiful clothes , workout constantly , happy and surround with full of inspiration like those amazing cosplayer , successfully lost weight people and dreamer.

That would be amazing when I successfully achieve my goals and share those story to inspire another person who need help. I am alone , I have friends but sometimes I feel that I am not important to them , never mind , I tell myself everything would be okay. I start to learn how to live alone , how to enjoy my private time , how to enjoy my hobby and interesting.

I remember that one of my new friends that knows from instagram , she writes that " Full list of hobbies and interests and I have not enough hours in the day to enjoy them all. " 

Before that , I think friend is important to me , grant whatever is requested but now , I should be good to myself but not trample on myself. I should learn how to be good to myself and feel good being myself as well as learn how to abandon negative things / peoples.

When I start to enjoy myself in hobbies and interests , I am busy with my own things instead looking at my social media from time to time and waiting someone who message to me. No , I have completely abandoned this wont. But I like to post everything in insta story lol and still scrolling down on facebook.

My Details : Now height 170 cm , weight 108 KG , BMI 38 , Fat 36

Briefly talk through how I workout and eating.
70 % eat , 30 % workout. This is the rules !

What you eat in resulting your effort of workout. For example , you workout everything but you eat fast food , drink soft drink and beer , what you have done in workout will be probably a waste.

70% eat , means eat healthy , eat clean and eat original food. If you always eat take-out food , make a smart choice , choose those look plain and original food , no oily food , no fast food , but full of fresh vegetables and fruits , meat but no fried one. Don't count on calories , I think it would be tired if everyday I need to do those things , better I don't eat lar hor ?

Use your hand to measure your meal also a faster method to help you or follow the chart above.

Breakfast. Usually we focus on protein and carbohydrates / grains more , but don't forget that fruits are also important too. You can have a fist of protein and fruits and handful of grains.

Intake non-refined starch for example brown rice , pumpkin , whole wheat bread and oat to avoid your concentration of blood sugar level rise suddenly and drop rapidly. Or else you will easy to get hungry after a few hours. Refine starch for example rice , white bread and toast.

PLEASE DO NOT SKIP THE BREAKFAST SESSION. Don't think that you might eat less. Not , it makes you eat more in lunch meal.

Tea time. You are allowed to eat almond nut , but only 1/4 of  your index finger. Or you can eat two scoops of oat or slices of fruits. If you don't feel hungry , skip this.

Lunch. We should include all vitamins & healthy oil. Handful of grains , a fist of fruits , vegetables and protein. If you still peckish , eat as much vegetables as you like. There are no calories and cholesterol inside the vegetables. You don't have to care about it lol.

Not necessary the food must steamed and filtered by hot water. You still can use healthy oil by adding garlic or ginger to cook for it. Make variety on your food and make sure that the food is original food and not manufacturer and processed food , or else you will give up and fed up later.

Tea time. You are allowed to eat almond nut , but only 1/4 of  your index finger. Or you can eat two scoops of oat or slices of fruits. If you don't feel hungry , skip this.

Dinner. After 5 to 7 pm , please don't take any fruits since it has high sugar content. If the sugar is not consumed , it will turn into fat. A fist of protein and vegetables and handful of grains. Same as above , if hungry , eat vegetables until full.

If you haven't fallen asleep at 9 pm and you feel hungry , drink unsweetened soy or organic soy.

Extra & Tips :

❥ Eat slowly and chew the food around 20 to 30 times , it helps to eat less and digest the food more easily.
In addition , it helps to deliver the message of " eating a lot of food " to the brain , increasing the number of chewing times can make the brain feel full and effectively reduce the chance of binge eating.

On the contrary , if eating too fast , the brain need time to feel full and it's easy to eat too much. You will realise that some of the people while having the dinner , the phone's ringing and they pick up and talk for a while , when they back to the dinner , they say they unable to eat any more.

❥ Usually I will drink lemon juice before my lunch meal to help dissolve the excess fat in your body.
A cup of 500 cc is more than enough. If you like hot lemon tea , you can use lemon peel. If you like warm lemon tea , use lemon juice.

❥ I also recommend green tea , my favourite tea ever ! It also helps to dissolve the excess fat in our body.

❥ Increase metabolism also a way to help you to eliminate the fat. I usually drink a tea spoon of coconut oil. Or you can take a cold bath too.

If you don't have equipment , it's never mind. Prepare a thick mat , you can workout wherever. Go in the YouTube search for TABATA.

30% workout , if you are a beginner , please choose the exercise that is easy and simple to avoid a serious injury. When you have used to the simple one , slowly increase the intensity of exercise and workout. Three days a week it might be enough. You have to make workout as a part of your life habit. You never feel bored when you start to love it !

Don't think that , direct exercise for 3 hours a day could see any result. NO. Absolutely NO please. The road to Rome was not formed in one day so the fat in our body also not formed in one day too. Don't expect one day we can shake off  all the fat.

I usually don't push myself too much when I feel emo , angry and anxiety. But I will try to vent during workout but don't be too excited and intense. You might get hurt later. Protect yourself well , I can't jump after doing a fierce star jump lol but it is okay , I just have to avoid the jump session. Personally I don't like to jump too.

For the people who like me , stop at stagnant , RESTART and Be a STARTER. Lets motivate each other , we can do it !

If you are in the middle of workout , continue and don't stop it. Your goal is in front of you. Don't give up when you can't see results right away.

There are a few things you ought to know and remember.


1 ) What is your objective of lose weight ? ( The simplest one is the best to remember all the time )

❥ Live a healthy life

2 ) When you feel tired , think back what have you done previous and why you do that ? ( Back to Question One )

❥ Usually I will rest for a while , reading those full of inspiration posts in Instagram and restart !

3 ) You want to keep fit forever or for a while ?

and don't let your hard work becomes a waste.

4 ) What if I have eaten too much today ?

❥ The next meal please balance it back and don't feel guilty.
Sometimes we can't keep our impulsive. Or you can drink green tea to digest the oily food.

5 ) Can we have cheap meal , day or night?

❥ Definitely YES , a week a day only. Please choose on day time but not night time since we usually don't burn our fat at night. If you want to chill at night , smart choice of the food.

6 ) What if someone invites you to have a huge meal ( actually those fast food ) ?

I go , but I don't order the food. Before going to the event , I will fill some food inside the stomach so that I won't feel hungry during the event. If they care about you , it's okay.

7 ) Eat clean is bored , what should I do ?

❥ Instead of fixing all the cooking method , try to use different of ingredients and method to make fun of food cooking method. Make variety on food , create your own recipe or you can google search cooking method for that dishes.

8 ) Your friends unmotivated , what should I do ?

I have many this kind of friends. You have invited them to join you , but then they tell you they are slim enough and refuse with a lot of excuses and make you wanna join them. NO. NO. NO. STOP IT.
If your friends are like this , PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM NEGATIVE FRIENDS.
They won't bring any healthy mindset and thoughts to you , they will drag you inside the snacks and drama life. I'm like wtf. I rather choose to abandon negative friends and not choose to abandon my happiness , future and passion.

9 ) If someone can't motivate you and you feel not energetic.

Same situation like me. I motivate myself everyday , follow those amazing people in social media , scroll down and look at their productive posts. You will impress by them.
Always remember , you should surround with the people who motivate , inspire , energetic , productive and passionate friends. Quality over quantity. Make a smart choice on friends too.

10 ) While doing exercise , Aerobic exercise & Anaerobic exercise which is the first one ?

❥ Anaerobic exercise first , after doing 15 minutes to 30 minutes , rest for a while and continue anaerobic exercise.

Bad habit also has to wave off.

Don't stay up late at night , that is unhealthy. Before that , I stay up late at night and I realise that , it is much difficult to lose weight and it makes you eat more ( maybe ). You will feel hungry , uncomfortable , and so on excuses make you wanna fuel in more food , more drink , then you have eaten unnecessary carbohydrates and others.

Don't smoke , don't drink alcohol , don't burn mid night oil , don't eat greasy food , don't eat fast food , don't be lazy ,  don't makes tons of excuses. If you want , make a move ! 

Stronger than your excuses. 👸👸💪💪💪

As a Beginner , three days a week , after three / four months you can try to add one more day. It depends on your situation. For me , four to five days a week. People with excess body fat are not suitable for adding anaerobic exercise as a part of plan. ( Knees might hurt. ) Please do aerobic exercise first and wait until it back to the normal body fat and then just add in anaerobic exercise.

Suggestion : You can do aerobic exercise a day and the next day do anaerobic exercise ( Tabata ) , doing alternatively , it is a kind of effective method since our body need to build muscle , when you lose fat , the skin will not be baggy.

The most important things while you are in transformation progress , be happy , be self - control , be self - discipline , be healthy and enjoy. Don't feel stress , you might be feel lonely if you don't have friend to company you ( just like me ) , but believe in yourself that you can overcome the fear and loneliness , learn to live alone and endure the loneliness. For your own sake.

You not necessary follow the rules and fix them. As long as the principle is there , you can make various method to have fun on it.

I fail , so I restart my journey. Everyone has the same resolution. We want to keep fit forever but not for a while. Let us inspire each other and good luck.

Let us see the result at 31/12/2018. 💙💚💛💜💝💦💦

If you have any problem , please drop the comment below and let me know. I will try my best to answer it. 😄😄😄

With Love ,

Judith Khoo


  1. Wow! Congratulations Judith! Keep it up! Your article is perfect!

    1. Thank you. ❤
      I will keep it up until the day I see the result. ❤
